Teleflora's Fall Chic Bouquet
Flower Delivery from a Local Florist
Expertly Designed & Ready to Impress

Product Description

Simply chic and overflowing with fall blooms! This gorgeous arrangement is sure to impress with its glorious shades of autumn - combining orange roses, peach lilies and seasonal brown leaves. Hand-delivered in a dark-toned bamboo rectangle. This impressive arrangement features light orange and peach roses, peach asiatic lilies and white alstroemeria, and finished with dusty miller, seeded eucalyptus and millet. Delivered in Teleflora's Dark Bamboo Rectangle. Orientation: All-Around VASE Superbly crafted of high-quality bamboo, this stunning designer rectangle is from Teleflora's exclusive Flowers-in-a-Gift collection. Perfect for exotic bouquets, and a stylish décor piece displayed alone.

Teleflora's Fall Chic Bouquet



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